Sunday, May 31, 2020

Judges rule, Kings drool

Judges Rule, Kings Drool
Righteous kings will not always last.
Judges come from votes that are cast.
If the voice of all are wicked.
God's wrath awaits as predicted.

Spirit of Truth is way to teach
Bad things of world never preach.
Promise of the Lord will protect
Yet pride will degrade if unchecked.

Your works do show rewards you reap.
Good or bad you will have to keep. 
Wickedness enters from the back.
Pride enters your heart, give no slack.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Power of Scriptures & A new creature

Power of Scriptures
Now we're together to discuss
King Mosiah has read to us
Our stories that are amazing.
Delivery from bondage, praising.
Slain by Lamanites, distressing.
Think of goodness of God, blessing. 
Pain filled and anguish for their soul.
Made more changes to become whole.
Great is the teaching in your youth
Unrecognized he'll be in truth.
Confess your sins and repent some.
Go and do this to overcome.

A new creature
Mosiah and Alma had sons
Using words as if they had guns.
Destroying the church and lead away
Everyone by what they did say. 
The Lord sent an angel earthbound,
Shake they did or was it the ground.
Why do you bully those of God?
Needless to say he left him awed.
Awoke he did after two days.
Born of the spirit  in all ways.
Changed from carnal and fallen state.
A new creature, cleaning the slate. 

Sunday, May 17, 2020

What's your desire and Go Forward with Faith

What's your desire
Should your desire be so bold,
Come unto God and join his fold.
Mourn and comfort to those in need.
Stand as a witness is your creed.
Be baptized in his name to show
and you'll gain that eternal glow.

Go Forward with Faith
He hears prayers yet slow to respond,
For our past sins he waves a wand.
Even the righteous have trials,
By patience they last with smiles.

Your weakness will be made stronger,
By His divine will it last's longer.
Lift up your head, be of good ease
Lighter your burdens are than these.

Lesson   *both poems come from this lesson

Sunday, May 10, 2020

True Example

True Example

Example of Abinadi 
Courage to share with you and I 
Obedience to the Lord's way.
Faithful to covenants, not stray.

How many warnings is needed.
Or are you too much conceded.
Are the ten commandments still good?
Love of God and others you should.

By the law alone we're not saved.
Salvation from Sin or enslaved.
Tis the only gateway, through Christ.
As if Gospel and Law are spliced.

From Come Follow Me lesson Mosiah 11-17

Friday, May 1, 2020

Teach the Children

Teach the Children

From the north desire to return,
Ammon and team went to learn.
To find our brethren in bondage,
Forcing them to pay homage.

An ancient record had been found.
Not read,  a seer was not around.
Gift from God, greater than prophet.
Make great miracles with no profit.

We fought against the Lamanites.
Defend ourselves, protect our rights.
Prosper with the Lord as our might.
They taught children to hate and fight.

Mosiah 7-10  Lesson