What was said?
Behold this is the gospel given to us.
Christ sacrificed all and was lifted on the cross.
Faith, repentance, baptism and the Holy Ghost.
Endure to the end and never boast.
Is it simple as bowing my head.
Or reading the scriptures before going to bed.
Yes but more, cause he did say to follow him.
I will put my hat on for every whim.
He asks what manner of person I should be,
Follow him and you will agree.
Help one another's burdens he said.
So they can go to bed well fed.
A society where contentions are not found.
Hairsplitting confrontations are all but drowned.
We should deal justly with all person we encounter.
Don't let our differences be a downer.
So what should stop you in your tracks.
Evil prideful works and avoid that sin tax.
So when you say do it then you should.
Make a commitment and you would.
Come with me to live together.
Peaceful living with one another.
Don't care what color of your skin.
Accept you for you, even if you sin.