Sunday, January 28, 2024

Look and Listen (Answers to the Great Vision)

   Look and Listen 1 Nephi 11-15

I've seen, great are the things my father saw.
With a desire to know, still in great awe.
Look! And I did behold all from above.
Fruit, tree, rod and what is the meaning of?

I was also shown a future vision,
Great men are to come, inspired provision.
Plain and precious things will then be restored.
Missionaries will teach with heaven's sword.

Listen now! Truth will cut and hurt the hard.
Your heart will be changed and he'll judge your card.
Eternal life with the Father's end state.
Change and become good now, not evil fate.

I am “armed with righteousness” and power
When I hold fast to the rod every hour.

Response to Great Vision
Great are the things my father saw
Desire  to know, still in great awe 
Look! And I beheld all from above
Fruit, tree, rod what is the meaning of?
I was shown a future vision,
Great men inspired provision.
Plain and precious things are restored
Missionaries will teach with sword.
For truth will cut and hurt the hard
Hearts to be changed and judge your card.
Eternal life is final state.
Become good now, not evil fate.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Life's Guide

You should reach for this extended life line.
Given by God to navigate life's path.
The highest prize comes with this baseline.
Faith obtained on your spiritual footpath.

The world's temptation is much distraction.
Your focus lost away from God's teaching.
World's pride will distract with much attraction.
Diversions tough cause it's overreaching.

I see and taste of this most desired fruit
More than you have ever before tasted.
When we partake, it's His love at the root.
For eternal life was it created.

He gives love freely to all, you and me.
Catch His word and hold sure onto the tree.

Previous poem from 4 years ago.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Father Lehi's Chronicles

 Father Lehi's Chronicles  1 Nephi 1-5

The father Lehi had seen and read much.
Saying to repent from evil, is no hunch.
Hurtful was the response that came from all.
God has said to leave now, before the squall.

They obeyed the Lord with all heart and leave.
Two sons went along but did not believe.
The other two knew what the Father meant.
In the desert they stopped to pitch a tent.

Called back, Nephi said he would go and do.
First step retrieve the plates with all his crew.
Done one last time, we will not lose our life.
Father figured that we needed a wife.

The word of God is “of great worth” to me.
A treasure is found for I have the key.

I made this poem from a true book.
with mine own hands, create a new look.
The goodness of God is divine.
My poem makes the book really shine.
Father Lehi saw and read much.
Repent from evil, is no hunch.
Hurtful the response was from all.
God said leave now, before the squall.
Obey the Lord they did and leave.
Two sons went but did not believe.
Other two knew what Father meant.
In the desert they pitched a tent.
Called back, Nephi will go and do
Retrieve the plates with all his crew.
One last time we will not lose life.
Father knew we needed a wife.