Sunday, March 24, 2024

Feast upon the Words of Christ

“Feast upon the Words of Christ”

The way to be holy set before you.
The path of His example is set strait.
Starting your journey at the narrow gate.
Keep his commandments is the biggest clue.

First believe in him, repent of misdeed.
A Cleansing by fire to be refinished
You'd continue on this path to finish.
Baptize by water, you will also need.

Savor those words, embed them in your heart.
You should speak from your heart to the Father.
My cries heard, for him it's not a bother.
Put Faith into action like it's fine art.

These words of Christ persuade you to do good.
Believe and exalt your prayers, you should.

Written format: Sonnet (ABBA CDDC EFFE GG)
Content taken from: 2 Nephi 31-33

Previous Poem 2020-03-08 Pure Doctrine of Christ
The path is example set strait.
Start your journey at the narrow gate.
Believe in him, repent of misdeed.
Baptize by water and you'll need,
Cleansing by fire to be refinished
Continue on this path to finish.
Savor those words, embed in heart.
Put Faith into action like its fine art.
From your heart speak to the Father.
He hears my cries it is not a bother.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Banner Unfurled

 Banner Unfurled

Lift up your hearts and rejoice in each word.
Liken them to yourself, include each verb.
The Lord's Mount is a place seen as superb.
Do not forsake and follow a path blurred.

For he will be seen on the roads up high,
Upon fences tall, upon the ships afloat,
In high mountains or hills comes from each throat,
Exalted he'll be, from the ground to the sky.

While evil flocks around like a feather.
Satan invades with his official nod.
Prepare yourself today to dwell with God.
The Lord looks to gather us together.

You'll see much disturbance in this our world.
Words of Isaiah are now unfurled.

Written format: Sonnet (ABBA CDDC EFFE GG)
Content taken from: 2 Nephi 11-19

Other lines

He does guide us by day inside a cloud.
You hear him by fire at night shining bright.
Zion's refuge helps us in any fight.
A covert built for all types of a crowd.

Now the world is in a grand disturbance.
For Satan's hold has spread and is not gone.
Yet the work of the Lord continues on.
Zion won't change not even the surface.

Previous Poem 2020-02-23  Great are the words of Isaiah

Lift up your hearts, rejoice in words.
Liken them to self, include the verbs.
The Mount of the Lord is here today
Do not forsake and go the wrong way.

For we will see him on the high road,
upon the tall fence, upon the ships abode.
in the high mountains and on the hills 
exalted he'll be, even at the foothills.

He guides us by day with cloud
and by fire at night shines loud.
Now Zion will be a place of refuge
a covert to hid from the deluge.

With greater evils flocking all a feather.
The Lord looks to get us together.
While Satan invades and gives his nod.
Prepare yourself to dwell with God

While Satan's hold is not gone.
The work of the Lord continues on.
The world is in a grand disturbance.
Zion will not change not even on the surface.