Sunday, February 18, 2024

A Father's Promise as my Soul Delighteth

A Father's Promise as my Soul Delighteth

Now fruit of the loins of Joseph will write,
And fruit of the loins of Judah will print.
Another Joseph will place his thumbprint.
He'll bring them together, make them grow bright.

Made strong, out of weakness that will strengthen.
Shall bring forth by the Lord's hand and power.
Work done restoring and much willpower.
Brings the Lord's people unto salvation.

Now, Are you the one who will be mighty?
Doing much good in both word and in deed.
Create exceeding faith formed from a seed.
Do things great in the sight of Almighty.

For their words shall proceed as you do speak.
Cry from the dust, Repent, make strong from weak.

Hunger and thirsting for what I don't know.
Searching their words and ponder them each day.
Wretched man, I am, that I must pray.
My iniquities have caused me much woe.

My heart does now groan because of my sins.
I desire to rejoice in whom I've trust.
He fills me with love, as I do adjust.
Confound enemies quaking in their limbs.

My cries heard by day with visions at night. 
Shall I yield to sin, because of my flesh?
Raise my sight up, my vision to refresh.
Why should my heart weep with such a great light.

Awake, my soul! No longer droop in sin.
Rejoice, O my heart, and never give in. 

Written format:  Sonnet (ABBA CDDC EFFE GG)
Content taken from: 2 Nephi 3-5

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