Sunday, June 9, 2024

Guide the People to do Right

Guide the People to do Right

Righteous kings, though just, shall not endure,
Judges now rise from voices cast by vote.
God’s wrath descends, as ancient prophets wrote.
Spoken that all be wicked and impure.

The Spirit of Truth, a sole guide to teach, 
Shun the wicked ways. The world shows it's schemes,
Pride, unchecked, degrades our loftiest dreams.
For the Lord’s promise does our souls beseech.

 Thy deeds shall show the harvest thou dost reap,
 Whether in goodness or in vile deceit.
 For wickedness in shadows dark does creep, 
And pride’s sly entry hearts must vigilant meet. 

 Yet, by His grace, if righteousness we seek, 
We shall not fall, nor find our souls so weak.

Written format: Sonnet (ABBA CDDC EFFE GG)
Content: Mosiah 29 - Alma 4

Previous Poem from 2020-05-31

Judges Rule, Kings Drool
Righteous kings will not always last.
Judges come from votes that are cast.
If the voice of all are wicked.
God's wrath awaits as predicted.

Spirit of Truth is way to teach
Bad things of world never preach.
Promise of the Lord will protect
Yet pride will degrade if unchecked.

Your works do show rewards you reap.
Good or bad you will have to keep. 
Wickedness enters from the back.
Pride enters your heart, give no slack.

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