Sunday, July 28, 2024

Seeds of Faith

Seeds of Faith

We walk to edges where the light is thin,
To center faith on what remains unseen. 
A seed of trust within the heart is seen, 
From which our actions and our hope begin.

To feel the truth, experiment and try,
With patient hands, allow the seed to grow,
You'll find the strength and certainty to know,
In fertile soil, beneath a caring sky.

This faith dispels the shadows of despair, 
Replaced by positive, uplifting grace. 
A guiding truth that time will not efface.
In tasting light, its goodness we declare.

Thus, faith in Christ becomes our steady guide,
With hope and love, it ever will abide.

Written format: Sonnet (ABBA CDDC EFFE GG)

Content taken from: Alma 32-35

Previous poem from 2020-07-19

What is Faith in Christ?

Centered on something not known,
Walk to the edge of light, unknown.
Receive that seed into your heart.
Take actions to give a good start.

How can we feel that it is true
Experiment the word and do.
Patience with the seed, it will grow.
Give place to flourish, you will know.

Helps to remove the negative.
Cultivate with the positive.
Taste this light for it's good to go.
Confirms my saying that I know. 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Follow Along or Be Wrong

 Follow Along or Be Wrong

To frenzied minds, these words spread far and wide.
Do you now follow in this bold new way?
For there are those that did not move nor sway.
In truth, did I feel something deep inside?

Managing this new creature, seems absurd.
Prosper in life by my own hands alone.
No sin exists if the divine's unknown.
Can I partake in what’s so newly stirred?

Follow 'long, and I’ll lose my liberty.
This new morality leads hearts astray.
Selfish thoughts drive every step of the way.
Decisions made by a force, not by me.

Forsake the path of selfish vanity,
True freedom lies in life's humility.

Written format: Sonnet (ABBA CDDC EFFE GG)

Content taken from: Alma 30-31

Previous Poem from 2020-07-12 

Do you follow Korihor?  

I hear the word by the chief judge,
It seems as though he didn't budge.
Bring many to a frenzied mind.
Did I actually feel aligned?

In this life prosper by my own,
No sin when divine is unknown.
Management of the creature, what?
Can I get a piece of that cut?

Follow this new morality,
It's selfish mentality.
Follow him I won't be free,
Decisions are not made by me.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

We Pray When Forgiven

 We Pray When Forgiven

I thank my God, given to us with grace,
Our hearts softened as we discuss our plight.
Removed guilt, now no more in madness' sight.
Change our ways, forgiven of sins' dark trace.

Never let our swords stain in wrath again,
But will give our own lives, amen, in peace.
Feel peace when guards of joy and hope decrease?
Can you be happy when life's hard, my friend?

Shake off old habits, start a life anew,
Live with integrity when falsehoods reign.
Sing praise, give thanks, let joy dispel the pain.
Yes, you can call the heavenly source true.

For He is my light, my joy, my employ,
In His embrace, my life finds fullest joy.

Written format: Sonnet (ABBA CDDC EFFE GG)

Content taken from: Alma 23-29

Previous Poems from 2020-07-05

Prayer of the forgiven

I thank my God, given to us 
Our hearts softened and we discuss
Change our ways, forgiven of bad.
removed guilt, and now nor more mad.
Never let our swords stain again,
but will give our own lives, amen.

Daily Struggles 

Can you be happy when life's hard?
Feel peace when there is no guard.
Shake off old habits and start a new.
Live with integrity when others aren't true.

Yes you can, call the heavenly source.
Sing Praise, Give Thanks, for he's that force.
For he is my light and my joy.
Allows my life to fulfil my employ.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Instruments of Faith and Light

 Instruments of Faith and Light

In the Lord's vineyard, a labor of love,
Wax strong in knowledge of the truth of God,
Build sound intellect with a tireless nod.
Friendship bonds formed are blessed from above.

With prophecy and revelation, they taught,
Through prayer and fasting, they sought divine grace,
In the wilderness, they journeyed many days,
Seeking the Spirit’s guidance, never distraught.

To bring their brethren to the truth and light,
With patience in suffering, they pressed ahead.
Establishing the Lord’s word, they spread,
As instruments of salvation, shining bright.

With faith and love, mission never complete,
God's truth and light made their journey sweet.

Written format: Sonnet (ABBA CDDC EFFE GG)
Content: Alma 17 - 22

Previous poem  2020-06-28

My Thoughts Unheard

Wishes to dwell among and serve.
Saved my flocks with a steady nerve.
I hear the words he speak,
Causes me to become weak.

O Lord, I ask grant me relief.
Remove this veil of unbelief.
By hunger and thirst I'm estranged.
My redeemer seen, my heart changed.