Sunday, July 7, 2024

Instruments of Faith and Light

 Instruments of Faith and Light

In the Lord's vineyard, a labor of love,
Wax strong in knowledge of the truth of God,
Build sound intellect with a tireless nod.
Friendship bonds formed are blessed from above.

With prophecy and revelation, they taught,
Through prayer and fasting, they sought divine grace,
In the wilderness, they journeyed many days,
Seeking the Spirit’s guidance, never distraught.

To bring their brethren to the truth and light,
With patience in suffering, they pressed ahead.
Establishing the Lord’s word, they spread,
As instruments of salvation, shining bright.

With faith and love, mission never complete,
God's truth and light made their journey sweet.

Written format: Sonnet (ABBA CDDC EFFE GG)
Content: Alma 17 - 22

Previous poem  2020-06-28

My Thoughts Unheard

Wishes to dwell among and serve.
Saved my flocks with a steady nerve.
I hear the words he speak,
Causes me to become weak.

O Lord, I ask grant me relief.
Remove this veil of unbelief.
By hunger and thirst I'm estranged.
My redeemer seen, my heart changed.

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